Custom-built workshops delivered on site to your organization
The Gen Z Workshop will provide a solid foundation to help you understand the best practices, strategies, cultural initiatives, skills and tools needed to manage millennials and Gen Z. This workshop is rich in examples and exercises that reinforce real-world learnings from over a decade of our work with some of the companies that are leading their industries in building multi-generational workforces.

Increase your brand’s value to customers
The best companies have built brands that leverage a cross-generational mindset. They understand the value of influence-based marketing, behavioral business models, transparency, customer-driven business, and market-measured innovation.
Increase your ability to attract Millennials and Gen Z
50% of the workforce in many industries is now composed of millennials and Gen Z. The type of work environment they expect is vastly different from what many organizations have in place. Dismissing or, worse yet, disparaging, the ethos, attitudes, and motivations of these employees is like trying to curse at a tsunami. Your choice is to be washed away by the tide or to learn how to ride it. We’ll show you how to build an organization that uses novel strategies such as reverse mentoring to create post-generational culture. Are you using reverse-mentoring to “flip the experience” and “train up” from young to old? You may think knowledge can only be passed down… but you’d be wrong.
Implement proven strategies to understand your customer’s behaviors
Beyond Big Data lies the holy grail of marketing, Small Data. Learn what Lowe’s discovered when they stopped looking at traditional generational demographics and mapped out behaviors. You will never again look at traditional demographics in the same way!
Bridge the generational gap
Generation Gaps are nothing more than wedges that only serve to create divisive and siloed workforces and markets. Are you struggling with these sorts of “generation gap wars” in your workforce? Learn how to reframe today’s “reality” and get people working not only workmen side-by-side but also leveraging differences in perpsectives.
Speak the language of Millennials and Gen Z
Does your customer base speak a different language than your employees? Find out how to speak to your employees and your markets in ways that convey an sensitivity and an understanding of the vernacular, channels, and new social norms that are defining the 21st Century organization and customer.
Improve employee engagement
How did Hyatt get into the heads of their customers and employees? What does their high level of employee engagement mean for the business and how can you replicate their world class engagement with employees and customers? How does design thinking change the way you interact with customers? We’ll show you proven strategies for increasing your ability to engage and sustain conversations with your market.
Brought to you by the authors of the best selling book, The Gen Z Effect
This workshop is built on dozens of models uncovered in our research and work with hundreds of organizations that are building cultures which embrace and leverage the unique skills and talents of Millenials and Gen Z. We’ll help you to instantly shake loose assumptions that are stalling and perhaps even destroying the future potential of your organization.

Thomas Koulopoulos
Thomas Koulopoulos is the founder of the Delphi Group, which for 25 years has been providing thought leadership to global organizations on the intersection of business and technology. Named one of the industry’s most influential information management consultants by InformationWeek magazine, he is a recognized author on the subject, frequently appearing in national and international print and broadcast media, including BusinessWeek, The Wall Street Journal, Forbes, The Economist, CNBC, CNN, and NPR. Tom is the author of nine previous books, including Cloud Surfing. Said the late Peter Drucker, father of modern day management theory, “Tom’s writing makes you question not only the way you run your business but the way you run yourself.” For the past two decades, his books have forseen major shifts in business and technology, from the rise of internet search engines, to the advent of social media, to the impact of the cloud on businesses and consumers. Gen Z follows that trajectory, providing a prescient view of how tectonic shifts in generational behavior, demographics and technology will forever change the way we live, work and play.

Dan Keldsen
Dan Keldsen is a Senior Business Strategist at NFP Health, where he leads the company’s outreach and engagement with the market, and serves as an internal business and technology strategist. He has over 20 years of experience working as a technologist, consultant, and analyst with clients in health insurance, financial services, pharmaceuticals, big box retail, loyalty marketing, mobile commerce, and life insurance, with companies from the Fortune 50 to federal and state government agencies. Dan co-led groundbreaking research on attitudinal differences and alignment between Boomers and Millennials in one of the earliest Enterprise 2.0 research projects (2007-2008) and was noted as one of the Most Influential Enterprise 2.0 Writers of 2009 by SeekOmega. He is a frequent speaker and has been quoted in The Wall Street Journal, The Economist, InformationWeek, CMSWire and FierceContentManagement, among other publications.
Thomas Koulopoulos
Thomas Koulopoulos is the founder of the Delphi Group, which for 25 years has been providing thought leadership to global organizations on the intersection of business and technology. Named one of the industry’s most influential information management consultants by InformationWeek magazine, he is a recognized author on the subject, frequently appearing in national and international print and broadcast media, including BusinessWeek, The Wall Street Journal, Forbes, The Economist, CNBC, CNN, and NPR. Tom is the author of nine previous books, including Cloud Surfing. Said the late Peter Drucker, father of modern day management theory, “Tom’s writing makes you question not only the way you run your business but the way you run yourself.” For the past two decades, his books have forseen major shifts in business and technology, from the rise of internet search engines, to the advent of social media, to the impact of the cloud on businesses and consumers. Gen Z follows that trajectory, providing a prescient view of how tectonic shifts in generational behavior, demographics and technology will forever change the way we live, work and play.
Dan Keldsen
Dan Keldsen is a Senior Business Strategist at NFP Health, where he leads the company’s outreach and engagement with the market, and serves as an internal business and technology strategist. He has over 20 years of experience working as a technologist, consultant, and analyst with clients in health insurance, financial services, pharmaceuticals, big box retail, loyalty marketing, mobile commerce, and life insurance, with companies from the Fortune 50 to federal and state government agencies. Dan co-led groundbreaking research on attitudinal differences and alignment between Boomers and Millennials in one of the earliest Enterprise 2.0 research projects (2007-2008) and was noted as one of the Most Influential Enterprise 2.0 Writers of 2009 by SeekOmega. He is a frequent speaker and has been quoted in The Wall Street Journal, The Economist, InformationWeek, CMSWire and FierceContentManagement, among other publications.
Who are Millennials and Gen Z?
While there are no universally agreed upon dates for any generation, Millennials, or Gen Y, were born after 1980 and Gen Z was born after 1995. Both generations are adept at using technology and the Internet. However, social media and mobile devices are just a small part of what makes these generations unique. Much more has to do with a behavioral shift towards global awareness, social causes, career fluidity, quickly shifting brand and employer loyalties, a clear sense of empowerment (often perceived as entitlement), and a general level of hyperconnectivity that keeps them always on and always available.
We improve your organization around the facts

This workshop is structured for behavioral change
Over more than 30 years, we’ve learned through working with hundreds of teams and thousands of individuals that whatever change you’re aiming for, it is NOT just going to happen based purely on any workshop. So, while we know that this workshop will definitely provide you with a solid foundation, we also understand the importance of making the skills and strategies you’ll learn part of your culture.
That’s why our model involves a three-phased cycle of pre-engagement, engagement and re-engagement that guarantees the new habits you want to build in your organization, those that instill post-generational thinking into the DNA of your team, come to life and start paying dividends as quickly as possible.
This workshop is a customized experience. Your team is not a faceless crowd to us. As part of the pre-engagement work that we do with your team, we use an online app to gather feedback to understand the beliefs, experiences, tenure, and engagement of each attendee, so we walk into the workshop already knowing your team, customizing the experience to your team to take advantage of your strengths and weaknesses, and set you up to power into the next day ready to tackle a set of initiatives that you and your team have already begun to tear into during the workshop.
As part of the workshop, electronic copies of The Gen Z Effect will be sent to all team members, weeks in advance of the session, to help prime the mental pump of your team and help you to target exactly where you want to focus. Additionally, physical books can be sent to the workshop location for a book-signing and custom insert or branding tied to your initiative.
Ultimately, this workshop is about thoroughly understanding how radically changing generational demographics and dynamics shape consumers, employees, and leaders, and how population growth, technology growth, and the economy all combine to create tremendous opportunity for those who wield the Six Forces of The Gen Z Effect as active masters of a post-generational world, rather than as passive observers.
If you’re serious about engaging with and building a culture around millennial and Gen Z, we also provide a monthly consultation which can be built in for an additional 12 months, in order to check-in and course correct your efforts, or to help you deal with the inevitable challenges that you will encounter in deploying a strategy to work with and leverage Millennials and Gen Z. Based on the results of the workshop, and touchpoint surveys sent to your team (or your audience of choice), we will discuss with you where you’re having success, experiencing trouble, and help to coach you to achieve your ultimate goals. IN short, we’re committed to your journey and success.
Engagement level options
- Full-Day Onsite Workshop
- Survey Design, Launch and Analysis
- 50 Signed Hardcover Copies and Digital Editions of The Gen Z Effect
- Monthly 30-minute Workforce Engagement Check-ins for 12 Months after Workshop
- 15 Minute Pre-engagement Interviews of each Invited Team Member
- (Travel Expenses at Cost)
- Full-Day Onsite Workshop
- Survey Design, Launch and Analysis
- 50 Signed Hardcover Copies and Digital Editions of The Gen Z Effect
- Monthly 30-minute Workforce Engagement Check-ins for 12 Months after Workshop
- (Travel Expenses at Cost)
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